at TTC Gallery 21. Dec. — 01. Feb. 2007 

13 bullits is a video project consisting of 13 videos to the music of "Snake and Jet Amazing Bullit Band".
13 tracks randomly handed out to some of Denmark's most talented young up coming artists. No rules, no demands and no money. Simple guidelines which resulted in a broad spectra of videos with a strong felling of energy and creativity. All the videos will be compiled on a DVD which can be purchased at TTC.

Participating artists: Emil Alsbo, Sigrid Astrup, Levent Bøilerhauge, Sune Christiansen, Magnus Clausen, Simon Højbo Hansen, Mathias Hassing, Christian Svanes Kolding, Anders Malmberg, MaryMary, Johan Melin, Stefan Mylleager, Frederik Sølberg, Adam Wallensten og Mathias Wohlert