"Reg. nr." – an exhibition by TTC / Telefon Til Chefen
at Traneudstillingen 21. Jan. — 19. Mar. 2011
In 2010 Traneudstillingen had its 40-year anniversary. On this occasion, the artist group Telefon Til Chefen has been invited to create an exhibition that takes its point of departure in the impressive history of Traneudstillingen. The result is the exhibition “Reg. nr.” (Registration Number) that is on display from January 22nd 2011 to March 19th 2011.
“Reg. nr.” addresses the concept of collection, focusing on art works that several Danish libraries throughout time have made available to the general public - a tendency today in demise.
TTC has been granted access to the archives of Traneudstillingen as well as the art collections of several other libraries. Here, TTC has gotten not only inspiration but also concrete art works and objects that are now part of the exhibition, alongside new works of TTC. Together, the works create a dialogue that transcends generations and brings forth an echo of the 40-year history of Traneudstillingen.
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Installation view

Installation view

Telefon Til Chefen: Untitled, 2011
Mixed media

Installation view

Installation view

Emil Alsbo (TTC): Sunken square – New chamber , 2011
Photogravure and object

Simon Højbo Hansen (TTC): Temporary Tomb , 2011

Emil Alsbo (TTC): Untitled, 2011
Pencil on paper

Emil Alsbo (TTC): Mileparken, 2011
Pencil on paper

Installation view

Magnus Clausen (TTC): Komposition II (Composition II), 2011
Mixed media.
By Giovanni Fini’s Komposition (Composition)1972, belonging to Helsingør library art collection

Installation view

Magnus Clausen: Decimal of what is, 2011
Mixed media lent by Gentofte art library

Magnus Clausen: Decimal of what is, 2011
Mixed media lent by Gentofte art library

Magnus Clausen: Decimal of what is, 2011
Mixed media lent by Gentofte art library

Telefon Til Chefen: Midlertidig samling (Temporary collection), 2011
Various artworks and materials lent from Gentofte, Helsingør, Hillerød and Odenses library art collection

Installation view

Telefon Til Chefen: Untitled, 2011
Mixed media

Simon Højbo Hansen (TTC): M.E.T. , 2011

Emil Alsbo (TTC): Lager formidling (storage communication), 2011
Pencil on paper

Emil Alsbo (TTC): Sunken square – New chamber , 2011
Photogravure and object

Magnus Clausen (TTC): Fællesskabet (The community), 2011
Dvd: Boys n the hood(1991), dvd-player, speakers and Weber-grill

Telefon Til Chefen: Midlertidig samling (Temporary collection), 2011
Various artworks and materials lent from Gentofte, Helsingør, Hillerød and Odenses library art collection

Telefon Til Chefen: Midlertidig samling (Temporary collection), 2011
Various artworks and materials lent from Gentofte, Helsingør, Hillerød and Odenses library art collection