ARISE, SHINE, FALL by Daniel Milan
at TTC Gallery 09. Sep. – 10 Okt. 2010 

Over one Year Daniel Milan has worked on a series of drawings and larger paperwork’s inspired by a longer stay in Uganda 2009/2010.

Daniel Milan has worked intensively with the drawing in an almost anthropological way, with descriptions of different places as Bayern, Balkan, and Japan, but with Africa as a starting point you will see a breakthrough in motives, style and even numbers of drawings.
The African continents historically, economically and cultural bands to Europe – and European art is here seen through a modern visual language. The series all so consist of an X-ray on African popular culture 2010, with motives collected for from instance newspapers and other daily life media.

The series has a humoristic, dark and abstract expression and the drawings various a lot within the quality of each drawing.
Furthermore found Objects will be presented – installation wise motives such as arrows, false money, rattraps and other items will be dragged from the drawn media out in the room.